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Hypno Counseling

Hypnosis as an aid to the healing arts

The art of hypnosis has been a curiosity to people throughout history. Hypnotists have been thought to have magical powers and the process of hypnotherapy is often misunderstood. As we enter the 21st Century, hypnosis is gaining wide acceptance by physicians and therapists. The more accurate information you have about hypnosis, the better you can appreciate it and utilize it with power and elegance.

What is Hypnosis?

It is generally agreed that hypnosis is a temporary state of directed awareness during which the client has far greater access to the unlimited potentials of his or her conscious. The famous hypnotherapist, Dr. Milton Erickson defined hypnotic trance as a “temporary interruption of habitual behavior in order for creative solutions to take place.”

What is a Trance?

A trance is an altered state of consciousness, often equated with the alpha brain wave state. It is a temporary and pleasant interruption in one’s normal behavior patterns in which creative solutions are able to take place.

Does Hypnosis Really Work?

Yes! According to an official statement in 1968 by the American Medical Association, “hypnosis is a valuable therapeutic adjunct, especially in the treatment of stress-related diseases…” Basic hypnosis is included in the selection of courses of most every medical school.

“Life can be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards”

Soren Kierkegaard

Can hypnosis be used for multiple issues concurrently?

Absolutely! Your unconscious has all the resources it needs to make any changes that are beneficial and appropriate and optimum for your life. Problematic behaviors or thought patterns are often linked to each other. When new options or alternatives are explored, it is common for the unconscious to offer surprising solutions to related issues.

What is the job of the hypnotherapist?

There is an old saying, “if I give you a fish, I feed you for a day; if I teach you to fish, I feed you for a lifetime.” To assist in empowering a client to make whatever changes they wish in their life, the professional hypnotherapist teaches self-hypnosis and awareness. The job of the hypnotherapist is to help the client achieve their absolute potential, whatever it may be.

What is hypnosis best for?

Virtually anything! Think of any area in your life that is limiting you from being the best that you can be and chances are that hypnosis is the therapy best suited for addressing that issue. Your possibilities for positive change are unlimited.

Some of the most exciting work is being done in the field of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), where patients are learning self-hypnosis (relaxation, imagery or visualization) to control and enhance their body’s immune and self-healing systems. Hypnosis is gaining wide acceptance by doctors and therapists as an effective and safe modality, especially in the field of mind-body medicine.

In serious stress-related physical problems, visualization works as a complement to other, more traditional resources. This is not to replace hypertensive medications, sensible diets, physical therapy, or competent medical care.

Regardless, the benefits of hypnosis and visualization have been proven to be enormously successful.

My technique is an eclectic gathering of traditional clinical hypnosis and alternative practices delivered with humor and compassion. Compassion being the vehicle of my intent to help, and humor being the glue that binds… or the levity to displace the discomfort and worry associated with illness, fear, and negative self-focus.

This potent combination is what spurs the mind-body connection.

Hollis Baker is a member in good standing with the National Guild of Hypnotists.

Past Life Regression

Past life regression as an aid to healing and self-empowerment

Past Life Regression (also known as Past Life Therapy) is based on the premise that many of our problems have their roots in Previous Incarnations, either real or imagined.

How does it work?

Using hypnosis or visualization techniques enables us to find and re-live past experiences. By bringing to awareness past memory, origins of present habits, phobias, and negative tendencies are discovered.

By re-living these past experiences, one can permanently eliminate fuse or negative behavior. This technique is commonly sufficient to ease the Self.

In most cases PLT gets results very quickly, even with difficulties of many years standing and often when other therapies have failed.

What will it do for me?

If nothing else, greater understanding is an excellent reason. Empowered by awareness, the Self will have explanations to actions and reactions that were previously blocks to success.

Why can’t I just remember?

Ultimately you can! That is my goal and should be yours also. With the proper experience in exploring your subconscious memories, one is able to learn to bypass their conscious mind to where all their memories exist.

Without this exposure, your subconscious mind is being self-protective and needs to be coaxed with the proper guidance. Just as the longest journey begins with a single step, your process of empowering the Self will require initial coaching.

“Life can be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards”

                                                            Soren Kierkegaard

Why do others seek their past lives through PLT?

The reasons why people seek PLT are various. Some just for a fascinating experience into past or future (through hypnotic progression technique), or for therapeutic work in overcoming long-standing problems.

Some of these difficulties include relationships with others, phobias, chronic pain or passions unexplored.

Past Life Regression is the cutting-edge tool for empowerment, transformation, and self-healing.

What is the job of the hypnotherapist?

There is an old saying, “if I give you a fish, I feed you for a day; if I teach you to fish, I feed you for a lifetime.” To assist in empowering a client to make whatever changes they wish in their life, the professional hypnotherapist teaches self-hypnosis and awareness. The job of the hypnotherapist is to help the client achieve their absolute potential, whatever it may be.

Does Hypnosis Really Work?

Yes! According to an official statement in 1968 by the American Medical Association, “hypnosis is a valuable therapeutic adjunct, especially in the treatment of stress-related diseases…” Basic hypnosis is included in the selection of courses of most every medical school.

Hypnosis is simply the setting aside mind proper and dealing with the subconscious mind directly

In serious stress-related physical or emotional problems, visualization works as a supplement to other, more traditional resources. This is not to replace hypertensive medications, sensible diets, physical therapy or competent medical care.

Regardless, the benefits of hypnosis visualization and PLT have been proven to be enormously successful.

My technique is an eclectic gathering of traditional clinical hypnosis and alternative practices delivered with humor and compassion. Compassion being the vehicle of my intent to help, and humor being the glue that binds… or the levity to displace the discomfort and worry associated with illness, fear, and negative self-focus.

This potent combination is what spurs the mind-body connection.

Hollis Baker is a member in good standing with the National Guild of Hypnotists.


Hollis Baker, CHT

Hypnosis for Well-Being


Weight Reduction


Stress and Relaxation

Past Life Regression



Life Coaching


Self Hypnosis

Pain Management



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Hollis Baker
Certified Counseling Hypnotist
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Phone: 551-206-2244
Email: [email protected]